
    The evolution of tobacco sales and use following the introduction of heated tobacco products in Japan

    Koumal, O.; Fischer, K.; Seifert, J.

    Conference date
    Oct 28, 2024
    Conference name
    Nicotine and Tobacco Science Conference 2024

    The landscape of tobacco consumption in Japan has undergone significant changes since the introduction of heated tobacco products (HTPs) in 2014.  


    Studies analyzing sales volume data show an acceleration in the decline in cigarette sales following the introduction of HTPs (Stoklosa et al. 2020 [DOI: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2019-05499]; Cummings et al. 2020 [DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17103570]). This trend is corroborated by Philip Morris International’s (PMI) sales volume estimates, which indicate that the rise in sales of heated tobacco units—consumables for HTPs—has been accompanied by a corresponding decrease in the sales of combustible tobacco products (cigarettes and cigarillos). 


    While sales volume data can be a valuable tool to examine market trends, they can also be impacted by a variety of factors other than changes in tobacco and/or nicotine product (TNP) use prevalence. To understand the impact of the introduction of HTPs, we examined two population-based surveys of adults (≥20 years) and a PMI survey of the Tobacco Heating System (THS, commercialized under brand name IQOS®) users:


    1) Japan’s National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHNS; 2010-2022);

    2) PMI’s ongoing, nationally representative cross-sectional survey (2016-2023);

    3) PMI’s cross-sectional survey of adult THS users recruited from THS owners’ database (2016-2023). 


    The data from these surveys suggest that HTPs have been contributing to the displacement of cigarette smoking in Japan.