
    Sharing and Verifying Systems Toxicology Data via the INTERVALS and sbv IMPROVER Platforms

    Boue, S.
    Conference date
    May 5, 2017
    Conference name

    sbv IMPROVER Epigenomics Challenge 2017


    Large international programs increasingly generate larger and complex toxicology-relevant data sets. Moreover, industrial R&D endeavors may generate even larger amounts of data but are not as proactive in the area of data sharing. Therefore, sharing these industry-owned datasets represents a great opportunity to push forward frontiers of knowledge for the scientific community as a whole. A proof of concept database and website ('INTERVALS') has been developed to share the results from in vivo inhalation studies as well as in vitro studies conducted by Philip Morris International R&D that assess potential Modified Risk Tobacco Products (MRTP). Data modeling took into account the latest standards in terms of data sharing and reproducible research. Given the successful development of the initial infrastructure, the goal is to grow this initiative to establish a public repository for 21st century pre-clinical systems toxicology MRTP assessment data. In addition, with a goal to maintain scrutiny in data analysis and interpretation, we have developed and applied the sbv IMPROVER methodology to verify the output of research processes in the industry. Whereas computational methods are benchmarked using computational challenges, a verification program engaging panels of independent experts confirms the excellence of the scientific methods used and the integrity of the results shared.