Peer-Reviewed Publications

    Reputation-based collaborative network biology

    Binder, J.; Boue, S.; Di Fabio, A.; Fields, R. B.; Hayes, W.; Hoeng, J.; Park, J. S.; Peitsch, M. C.

    Jan 30, 2015

    A pilot reputation-based collaborative network biology platform, Bionet, was developed for use in the sbv IMPROVER Network Verification Challenge to verify and enhance previously developed networks describing key aspects of lung biology. Bionet was successful in capturing a more comprehensive view of the biology associated with each network using the collective intelligence and knowledge of the crowd. One key learning point from the pilot was that using a standardized biological knowledge representation language such as BEL is critical to the success of a collaborative network biology platform. Overall, Bionet demonstrated that this approach to collaborative network biology is highly viable. Improving this platform for de novo creation of biological networks and network curation with the suggested enhancements for scalability will serve both academic and industry systems biology communities.