Clinical Studies

      Nicotine Pharmacokinetic Profile and Safety of the Tobacco Heating System 2.2 Menthol (THS 2.2 Menthol)

      First posted
      Oct 23, 2013
      Official Title

      A Single-center, Open-label, Randomized, Controlled, Crossover Study to Investigate the Nicotine Pharmacokinetic Profile and Safety of Tobacco Heating System 2.2 Menthol (THS 2.2 Menthol) Following Single Use in Smoking, Healthy Subjects Compared to Menthol Conventional Cigarettes and Nicotine Gum.

      Brief Summary

      The primary objective of this clinical study is to evaluate the pharmacokinetic (PK) profile (rate and amount of nicotine absorbed) following a single use of the THS 2.2 Menthol (mTHS), a candidate Modified Risk Tobacco Product, compared to the PK profiles from a single use of a menthol cigarette (mCC) and from a single use of nicotine replacement therapy gum (NRT).


      Recruitment: Completed

      Study Results: Available

      Enrollment: 73

      Study Type: Interventional

      Other IDs: ZRHM-PK-05-JP