
    Creating a Repository for the Assessment of Tobacco-Related Behavioral Outcomes: A Case Example

    Clerc, E.; Mainy, N.; Perret, C.; Acquadro, C.; Binggeli, P.; Chrea, C.
    Conference date
    Feb 22, 2019
    Conference name

    Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) 2019


    Background: To date, there is no established database/repository, which would enable researchers to identify and select measures developed to assess tobacco-related behavioral outcomes, to consult up-to-date documentation related to the measures of interest, including scoring or available translations, or to locate their copyright holder. This paper presents the development and implementation of such a knowledge base in 2016 by Mapi Research Trust for Philip Morris International (PMI). Methods: The structure of the PMI Repository is based on PROQOLIDTM’s, the Patient-Reported Outcome and Quality of Life Instruments Database, developed in 2002, to provide health care researchers with an accurate, up-to-date and centralized source of information on Clinical Outcome Assessments (Emery et al. HQLO 2005 Mar 8;3:12). In both databases, available online through the ePROVIDE platform, the information displayed for each outcome measure comprises more than 10 categories ranging from names of developers, information on concepts/domains investigated, psychometrics, scoring, available official translations, literature references, contact details, copyright notice, and conditions of use. In addition to the measure-related information, the PMI Repository contains a study folder, which compiles all PMI-sponsored studies (identified by protocol number) and link them to the instruments used as study endpoints. Results: To date, the PMI Repository includes 105 measures, with two-third focusing on tobacco behavior. As part of the ABOUT toolbox (Assessment of Behavioral OUtcomes related to Tobacco and nicotine products), all instruments developed by PMI (e.g., perceived risk, dependence, product experience, use history, and health and functioning), are stored and will be made available to the scientific community through PROQOLIDTM. Conclusions: This unique initiative enables PMI researchers 1) to assess, select and use up-todate and official versions (original and translations) of instruments in a standardized environment, and to transfer them to the study operation team during the study set-up phase; and 2) to share their own instruments with other researchers.