
      Assessment of Mitochondrial Function Following Long-Term Treatment of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells with Total Particulate Matter from a candidate Modified-Risk Tobacco Product versus Cigarettes

      Van der Toorn, M.; Malińska, D.; Szymanski, J.; Walczak, J.; Prill, M.; Drabik, K.; Michalska, B.; Wojtala, A.; Patalas-Krawczyk, P.; Partyka, M.; Johne, S. Johne.; Sewer, A.; Guedj, E.; Luettich, K.; Peitsch, M. C.; Hoeng, J.; Wieckowski, M.; Szczepanowska, J.; Duszynski, J.

      Conference date
      Aug 24, 2017
      Conference name

      Tenth World Congress - Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences


      No abstract available.