Open Science, November 2023

    Open Science: You Ask, We Answer

    In our previous Open Science events, we’ve shared a wealth of information on smoke-free products and their role in tobacco harm reduction. In this Open Science event, we again invited viewers to ask their questions directly to our experts in order bring clarity to the topic.

    Previously, on Open Science…

    To get the conversation started, we gathered the best highlights from previous Open Science events and aired them in a LinkedIn® live event. The video included answers to questions that we have already discussed in detail, such as the fact that no combustion happens in any of our smoke-free products and that they do not produce smoke.


    PMI hosted an extended Open Science Q&A on LinkedIn®

    The heart of the event took place in the LinkedIn®  comments section, where we invited our viewers to ask their questions and to fact-check the misinformation that exists around smoke-free products. Our experts were available during the live event to answer questions directly, with our experts continuing to answer your questions over the following days.

    Misconceptions about smoke-free products

    In our twelfth Open Science event, we aired the most relevent questions that we have adressed in our past Open Science events, like "Why does PMI develop smoke-free froducts?", "What are smoke-free products and what do they have in common?", and many more. Watch our Open Science video to know more.