Open Science, June 2022

    An open conversation on the science behind smoke-free alternatives​

    In this Open Science event, we explained why scientifically substantiated smoke-free products are considered better alternatives to cigarettes, how they can positively impact population health, and the role scientifically substantiated smoke-free products can play by complementing existing tobacco control measures. We also discussed why the absence of combustion is an important first step in a harm reduction approach to smoking.

    The role of smoke-free products in tobacco harm reduction

    The best way to avoid the harm of smoking is to not start in the first place. For someone who already smokes, quitting smoking is the single best thing they can do to reduce their risk. And if a person won’t quit, then switching to a product that doesn’t burn tobacco is a better choice than continuing to smoke cigarettes. This is because the vast majority of harmful chemicals found in cigarette smoke and linked to smoking-related diseases are generated by combustion. 

    Event Details

    Live from the Cube

    Our Open Science event was held live at our R&D Center, The Cube, in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, in June 2022.


    This Open Science event walked viewers through the science behind our smoke-free alternatives and discussed why completely switching to tobacco- or nicotine-containing products that do not burn tobacco, has the potential to present less risk of harm for adult smokers than continued smoking. 

    The session and live Q&A were moderated by former journalist, Sukhi Hayer.

    Tobacco harm reduction: Discussing smoke-free alternatives

    In our seventh Open Science event, two of our leading scientists along with a medical oncologist share their thoughts on smoke-free products, the potential impact the introduction of smoke-free products might have on population health, and the need for scientific evidence to support their effectiveness in helping adult smokers leave cigarettes behind.

    In addition, our Open Science events allow for a live Q&A session with our viewers as part of our commitment to open dialog. In the second half of this video, the panellists answer numerous questions related to tobacco harm reduction such as the misconceptions about nicotine and more. Watch our Open Science event and learn how smoke-free products might benefit public health.