Consumer Reported Outcome Measures in Tobacco and Nicotine Research

      Consumer Reported Outcome Measures in Tobacco and Nicotine Research, or CROM, is an annual conference that focuses on the review of existing information on measures and developing guidance on the development and validation of these measures. The conference is aimed at researchers, regulatory agency stakeholders, and tobacco industry professionals, and provides a forum for sharing knowledge and collaborating on new approaches to consumer reported outcome measures. 

      CROM 2022


      Sep 29, 2022



      This workshop is titled "Risk Perception of Tobacco and Nicotine-Containing Products: From Measurement Challenges to Unique Opportunities for Strengthening CROM-Related Science". 

      CROM 2020


      Dec 10, 2020



      This conference's objective is to provide guidance on how to develop, validate, select, access and use CROM to evaluate tobacco and nicotine-containing products for pre-market and post-market purposes.