Andrea Costantini

    Dr. Andrea Costantini

    MD specialized in Clinical Pharmacology

    Director Scientific Engagement Americas

    Andrea is Director Scientific Engagement Americas. She holds an MD specialized in Clinical Pharmacology from the University of Buenos Aires. Prior to joining PMI in 2019, Andrea worked in the pharmaceutical industry for Roche, GSK, and Novartis, among other companies. There, she held numerous roles, including in Medical Affairs: Medical Information, Pharmacovigilance, as a Medical & Scientific Communications Manager, and Head of Emerging Markets West Content Hub.

    Andrea developed expertise in respiratory medicine (mainly asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), clinical research, bioequivalence and non-inferiority trials, pharmacovigilance, medical governance, scientific engagement, and leadership. She is the author of several posters presented at international conferences.